The Junior School appoint a new Deputy Head. | Redmaids' High School
Congratulations to all the girls in Year 4 who took part in the Redmaids' High 26 by 2.6 challenge yesterday.
The 2.6 Challenge was developed to help charities that are struggling at the moment, as so many fundraising events are being cancelled during the coronavirus pandemic.
The event encouraged participants to take on any activity relating to the numbers 2.6 or 26 to support a charity of their choice, with the date set for Sunday 26 April, the day the London Marathon was due to happen.
Together our girls they walked more than 15km, ran nearly 10km, cycled an amazing 67km and scooted, swung, rowed, hoola-hooped, trampolined, played netball and even 'quidditched'.
All of this helped to raise £850 for St. Peter's Hospice, a Bristol charity caring for adults with life-limiting illnesses.