World Book Day 2020 - Catherine Bruton visits | Redmaids' High School
We were delighted to welcome Darren Jones MP to school today to talk to students in Years 8 and 9.
The girls had written to Mr Jones, expressing their concerns about the impact we humans are having on the environment. They had also signed a petition asking him to feed these concerns back to Parliament.
Following a short talk about his role as an MP, Mr Jones invited the girls to ask questions – at which point he was inundated.
A lively Q & A session followed as the girls asked questions including, “How do you become an MP?” “Why do Labour hate private schools?” What do you think about public protests, such as those being done by Extinction Rebellion?” “How often do you go to the Houses of Parliament?” “How do we hold politicians accountable?” “Does social media influence voting in a good or bad way?” “Why doesn’t the government invest more money in technology to help tackle climate change?” and “What is Boris Johnston like?”
When asked what he would do if he wasn’t a politician, Mr Jones explained that he is a qualified lawyer, and would return to working in law, saying, “For me, being an MP is more about making a contribution, than developing a career.”
Members of our Senior Management Team also met with Mr Jones separately to discuss the Labour Party’s plans for the abolition of private schools – not something he himself supports.
Overall, a fascinating session which gave our students a real insight into the workings of British political life.