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Highlights of our Junior Ski Trip!

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At the start of the Easter break, 39 girls from Years 4 - 6 headed to Prato Nevosa in Italy for a highly-anticipated ski trip. We are so proud of the courage, independence and resilience every child showed during such a busy, fun-packed week. We are sure the girls had many tales to tell when they all returned. We thought this was a great opportunity for a couple of girls to tell you about their highlights of the ski trip, written in their own words:

"You might think that it would be intimidating to be travelling to Italy and ski without your family, but the teachers were so kind and supportive and they kept us safe along the way. 

The skiing was always great fun no matter the conditions. The instructors were nice and they helped us improve on our skiing and by the end of the trip we had hugely improved. We were put into different groups depending on our level which made it easier to ski. 

When it was too snowy outside the teachers made things fun, like the time it was so snowy you couldn't see the chair lift in front of you, we had a massive snowball fight! 

The dorms were really homely and cozy and we would always have a good night's sleep. If something bad happened in the night, we just knocked on one of the teachers' doors and they were really kind and helped us.

The food was so tasty and we had pasta every day and for breakfast we had a choice of cereals, croissants and bread with butter.

One of the best bits was the activities we did every night - we did a movie night and a quiz night. On one of the nights, we did a games night where we got out card games and played them for hours.

Overall, we had a brilliant time and if we got the opportunity we would definitely go again!"

By Lizzie and Florence in Year 6.

Date Posted: 25 April, 2024

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