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Meet our Head Almoners - Eloise and Emily

There are a wide range of leadership opportunities available to our Sixth Form students including roles such as Head Girls, House Captains, Environment Captains and Head Almoners. Our new Head Almoners, Eloise and Emily stepped into these roles at the start of the summer term and are responsible for planning numerous activities throughout the year to raise money for our chosen local charities. Before they finished for the summer, we asked them a couple of questions to get to know them better and to find out about their plans over the next year. 

IMG_20220705_084612791_HDRcopyWhen did you join Redmaids' High School? 

Eloise: I joined Redmaids' High in Year 7. 

Emily: I joined in Year 6 for the last year of the Junior school and then moved across to the Senior school for Year 7. 

What do you feel you have gained from being at Redmaids' High? 

Eloise: The atmosphere here is great — a balance of challenge and support that has helped me to try clubs and subjects I never thought I would be able to do. In my time at Redmaids’ High, meeting people with so much talent in so many areas, I’ve gained a lot more confidence in my abilities by pushing my boundaries. 

Emily: Redmaid’s High is a warm, friendly community where everyone encourages you to be yourself. After spending so many of my schooling years here I feel that I have become more free thinking and curious to explore my own interests.

Why did you want to become the Head Almoners for the school? 

Eloise: I remember looking up at the Head Almoners for a long time, thinking they were amazing. I think it’s really nice to be able to do something for other people, and to learn more about our place in the world. Plus, the role leaves a lot of space for creativity, something which has always played a huge part in my life. 

Emily: I think our school has such a distinctive positive energy, and I am really eager to share it with those around us. The schools outward looking nature is something I have really connected with throughout my time here, now I would like to help develop this opportunity for others.

Why do you think it's important for us as a school to have a charitable focus and pursue outreach opportunities? 

Eloise: I think it is important that we don’t distance ourselves through privilege from the challenges faced by other people - locally and globally. Whether it’s through fundraising for a charity I’d never heard of before, or hearing about the trips to Cambodia, I have always valued the education which a charitable focus can bring to us. It’s also really nice to help charities that mean a lot to certain individuals within our school, because that brings us together.

Emily: As global citizens I think it is essential that we have a charitable mindset in all that we do. The ability to plan, organise and carry out actions to influence causes that you are passionate is something that everyone in society should feel empowered to do, so I think it really important that students start this at school. I am keen to make sure that our current students develop this global outlook which is so important to maintain throughout life. 

What initiatives would you like to implement during your time as Head Almoners? 

Eloise: I’d really like to make being a Head Almoner and a Junior Almoner something fun, something which engages the imagination and invokes a stronger sense of community. To do this, Emily and I are trying to involve the Junior Almoners as much as possible. For example, on Sports Day, the Junior Almoners helped us to sell sweets and drinks, and even ran their own funfair stalls.

Emily: I would like to ensure that everyone in the school integrates charitable activities throughout their daily routine. I hope to do this by organising some tutor times to help get the school thinking. 

What are you looking forward to the most about your time as the school's Head Almoners?

Eloise: The discos will definitely be a highlight, as will the end of term reports, I hope! That being said, each time we send off some money we have raised, I feel so proud, and I can’t wait to keep that going. 

Emily: I looking forward to working with everyone to put your ideas into action! We have really enjoyed our events so far including the sunflower planting and disco, it has been great to see you making a positive impact, and enjoying yourselves too. 

Our upcoming Sixth Form Information Evening is a great opportunity to hear more about these leadership roles and about life in our Sixth Form. Register to attend the event via the button below. 

Register now

Date Posted: 2 August, 2022

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