Hands-on-Science - Dissecting a heart
Last week, the Junior School enjoyed a special day out at Bristol Zoo.
The girls and their teachers walked across the Downs, as a whole school, and enjoyed exploring the zoo in small teams. One group couldn’t believe their luck as they were watching the lemurs when the keeper arrived and invited the girls into the enclosure to help feed the animals their lunch.
The purpose of the trip was to really establish our Junior School community by helping the girls to mix across year groups.
It also helped to consolidate the ‘Big Girl-Little Girl’ friendships which are put in place for every pupil. It means that as a ‘Little Girl’ everyone has someone to keep an eye on them and show them the ropes. They then get to take the responsibility for a younger pupil when they become a Big Girl.
“The girls were an absolute delight”, said Headteacher Mrs Brown. “Well-mannered, mature and fully engaged.
“It really was a super and successful day out.”