Our school production is a creative collaboration
Our Year 3 and 4 girls had great fun today meeting Philip Reeve and Sarah McIntyre - both of whom are writers and illustrators.
Phillip is well-known for his books Mortal Engines, Railhead, Here Lies Arthur and Goblins and together, he and Sarah have created and published 10 books.
As Phillip explained, “Sarah and I come up with the stories and ideas together, then I write the text and Sarah draws the pictures - but we help each other out if we get stuck.”
They read a passage from one of their books, which the girls loved, as it was full of creativity and humour.
Kevin vs the Unicorns, tells the story of Max who decides to enter the Magical Pony Club Steeplechase. Kevin, the only roly-poly flying pony in Bumbleford, is not keen, as the other participants are all unicorns, and everybody knows that unicorns are quite snobby. But biscuits are promised, and Kevin wants to make Max proud.
Sarah went on to lead a drawing masterclass showing the girls how to sketch Kevin. All great fun!
At the end of the session, lots of the girls were eager to buy signed books.
As always, many thanks to Sam from Max Minerva's for helping to organise the event – it was a wonderful way to end the week.