Dinosaur WOW Day at the Junior School | Redmaids' High School
Earlier this term Miss Dickson who heads up the Junior School Art Department, entered a range of pupil artwork into The Royal Academy Young Artists’ Competition.
Beautiful landscapes, painted by Ruby and Amy in Year 5, together with fantastic Venetian masks, created by Phoebe, Rosie and Daisy in Year 6 were put forward.
Our submission also included a collaborative painting produced by the girls who were in Year 6 during the 2019/2020 academic year. These girls are now in Year 7 but the entry was delayed due to lockdown.
We are delighted to announce that this collaborative piece, entitled ‘Silver Birch Woods’, has been accepted into The Royal Academy Young Artists' Summer Show 2021. This online exhibition will launch on 13 July.
This is an outstanding achievement from our Junior School artists, particularly when you consider that the Royal Academy received over 33,000 entries!