Hands-on-Science - Dissecting a heart
We are thrilled to announce the outstanding A Level results received today by our students.
61.6% of grades were achieved at A* or A; seven students achieving all A* grades, while 42% achieved all A* or A grades, which is up from 36.4% last year. 84.7% of grades were achieved at A*-B, with 95.3% A*-C and 100% A*-D.
All departments within the school are worthy of praise and recognition, with some incredible standout performances. Seven departments achieved 100% A*- A, with a further six departments achieving over 70% at the same level. Students have showcased prowess in a diverse range of disciplines including Art, French, Geography, Further Maths, PE and Russian where over 50% of their cohorts achieved A* grades.
The results highlight the impressive breadth and depths of interests explored by students here and are a fantastic reflection of the school's longstanding commitment to academic excellence and supporting students in their personal and pastoral development.
Director of Sixth Form Mrs Lisa Moyle expressed her pride remarking, "The fantastic A Level results this year are a true testament to the dedication, adaptability and extraordinary resilience of our students. These public exams have been their first, and I couldn’t be prouder of their ability to rise to the challenge, work hard and do so well.”
Furthermore, the accomplishments that the school is celebrating today extend to the exciting next steps that students will be taking, with the vast majority have now secured places at their first-choice universities. The sheer diversity of courses amongst the students is also impressive; Medicine, Psychology, Engineering, Sport Science, Art Foundation, Law, Maths, Biology and Business are to name just a few of the diverse range of subjects. More students than ever are looking forward to studying degrees with a focus on the environment, including Inessa, who will now pursue her interests with Earth and Planetary Sciences, and Molly who is following her passion for Marine Geography. Moreover, it is notable the number of students who are going on to study a language at a higher level; Hermione with Modern and Medieval Languages at Girton College, Cambridge University, Rebecca with German and Linguistics at New College, University of Oxford, and Téa with Modern Languages and Economics at the University of Warwick.
Beyond the more traditional university routes, the school is also celebrating students taking on other exciting pathways, such as Evie who will soon begin her Accountancy Degree Apprenticeship, Olivia and Cecilia, who will be attending Drama School having achieved 100% in their performance components, and others looking forward to their planned enriching gap year adventures, exploring different cultures and landscapes across the globe.
Mrs Moyle continued, “This year group’s final grades, together with the diverse opportunities awaiting them, speak volumes about their confidence and determination to be who they want to be and for that I am most proud.
“I will miss them all greatly, but I know they are more than ready for their next chapter as they begin to make their mark in this world and I am so excited for what their promising futures will bring.”
Our Head, Mr Paul Dwyer, commented, “I am exceptionally proud of our students' outstanding performance in this year's A Levels. These results are a culmination of their unwavering dedication, inspired passion and the exemplary support from our teaching staff and wider school community.
“Headlines of recent weeks will have only added worry for students across the country and we are so pleased that our students have done themselves proud and achieved at levels that have bucked national trends. More importantly, they have all opened the door to what comes next in the best possible way, and we are proud of the diversity of courses and options they will be moving on to.
“Our students have not only met the challenges presented to them, but have consistently exceeded our expectations. As they embark on exciting new beginnings, I am confident that they will carry forward the spirit and values they've developed here at Redmaids’ High, making a positive and significant impact wherever they go.
“I congratulate each and every one of our students today for their remarkable achievements and wish them all the very best for their future.”